Monday, August 30, 2010

Nifty Views!!!


alphabet1 said...

Barring Ilango none on internet seems to be publishing Nifty trade plan (paid or free). Even he seems to be smitten with another new pasture like SAR now?

Your chart bias is short, and so is every chartist. Will contrarian play give better points when everyone is edging to go short?

alphabet1 said...

Manoj, you may like this - a note which has positive bias on the markets despite USA slide last night


And here is one on hidden divergences, just in case ..

Tryin2Trade said...

alaphabet1 Hi

Its not about anyones plan...paid or or lets say trading plan is just like a well fitted suit...everyone has different sizes..therefore make your own plan that suits your temperament and style...

You wont get it in a will evolve with you and as your trading progresses....

Short Bias....yes like very chartist I am also showing what the charts are showing....but then the charts are also showing trade the levels and not the bias...
